globe National Organization for Men
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                              About The National Organization for Men

The National Organization for Men (NOM) is dedicated to full gender equality and recognition that members of both sexes have wants, needs and concerns that are worthy of attention and action.  Gender bias and gender disparities affect both sexes and NOM is dedicated to helping to bring visibility to issues that are often overlooked. Some gender disparities that men are faced with include:
  • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is three times higher among men who are clinically depressed.
  • Male suicides outnumber female suicides in every age group.
  • Homicide and suicide are among the top three causes for death among males between the ages of 15 and 34.
  • By the age of 85, women outnumber men in the U.S. 2.2 to 1; this rises to 3 to 1 if they reach their 90s.

National Organization for Men
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